From the Greek word ‘μετάβαση (metavasis’), which means transition, META-BUILD aims to operationalise the Energy Efficiency First Principle in the context of building systems, by implementing cost-effective electrification solutions of the thermal energy demand using HPs and integrating RES.
By doing so, it aims not only to enhance the efficiency of smart buildings and contribute to power grid stability but also quality of life and sustainability.
META-BUILD (“Powering the METAmorphosis of BUILDings towards a decarbonised and sustainable energy system) is a project funded through the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 101138373.

PreMaCOOL focuses on the development of an AI (Artificial Intelligence) model that will serve as a predictive maintenance tool for cooling systems.
This work is/was co-funded by the EOSC Future project under the European Union Horizon Programme call INFRAEOSC-03-2020 – Project ID 101017536.

ARCTUS is a multi-level experiment with two distinctive scopes. Firstly, it aims to promote data-driven methodologies to HVAC engineers, and engage them into new technologies such as ML (Machine Learning) and AI (Artificial Intelligence). Secondly, it focuses on the development of two AI models, one for energy consumption forecasting and one for fault prognosis in commercial refrigeration units, leading to the development of a custom service.
This experiment has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951771.